Customizing the PBO: a mini-guide
Initial Setup:
- get the Euro ACRBO or MedeBO latest version from here, make sure you read the background info to know what you are getting yourself into.
- follow the official update instructions here.
Navigation Setup (for ACRBO only):
- There is three pictures in main page
- First to get dropouts for background browsing (without a jukebox): Download Thumbgen (check the thread hereand the quick guide here).
- Second to get both dropouts and movie wall (picture 2): Download YAMJ installer here, the quick guide from hereand finally further details if needed here.
- Third, to get a much neater looking and faster jukebox than YAMJ (dropouts + wall .. picture 3): Get the TViXiE2Playon!HD (how to here), if you have metafeeds/HDD installed follow the instructions here.
Online Content Setup:
- Install metafeeds and then xLive as described in my post here(this will get you online contents).
- The above assumes that you have HDD installed inside the box, installing metafeeds and xLive without an HDD can be done but requires extending workarounds.
Semi-official Alternative route:
For those interested, I have compiled several custom firmware versions based on the latest PM firmware:
- latest PM firmware so comes with HD-Audio downmix ability (missing from ACR custom firmwares).
- Online access modules from Patriot, ACR, metafeeds, xLive, YouTube(HD), Shoutcast.
- RSS based jukebox.
- YAFFS2 based thus fully moddable (supports optware and all other add ons).
- Compatible with older bootcode 16 unlike the official release.
- Fully functioning without the need to install HDD for metafeeds/xLive.
Midevilshadow's step-by-step for jukebox creation
ThumbGen Instructions (VERY BRIEF)
(NOTE, following instructions are the layouts I chose. Do the following with only a couple of movies and by the end you'll learn enough to do things the way you want):
1) Place each movie file in its own folder
2) Download and run thumbgen
3) Download Dribblers-Template-Mega-Pack and Thumbgen mod Template and place in the templates folder of thumbgen
4) Under options, choose to generate 3 movie sheets (main, extra, spare), media info as .nfo file, and a thumbnail.
5) Under moviesheet options, choose 1 Wall, 1 Sheet, and 1 STD for the three moviesheet templates
6) Under "Input/Output" options, rename the spare moviesheet to "$M\$F_sheet2"
7) Generate the files for the movies you want.
8) NOTE if you use auto mode, thumbgen RANDOMLY selects the fanart/background for you. If this is a concern, then either use the manual mode or generate your own fanart/background, save it to the respective movie folders and tell thumbgen to look there for its art.
TViXiE2Playon!HD Instructions
1) Download TViXiE2Playon!HD(Build.2010.9.7)
2) Run TViXiE2Playon!HD and fill in:
- "Place Jukbox Folder in" : select your movie folder or perhaps its parent folder.
- "POHD Jukebox Path" : select RSS, and choose accordingly.
- NOTE for USB jukeboxes. sda1 and sdb1 are not the front and back usb ports of the PBO respectively. sda1 is the first usb volume plugged in and sdb1 is the second. Keep that in mind for if you usually have a usb device hooked up to your PBO at all times.
- To find out what a USB volume has been mounted as, telnet to your device and look under something like /tmp/usbmounts/. Telnet instructions below, under "Add this new jukebox path to your PBO:"
- "POHD Temp Path" : leave as /tmp/
- Populate with your movie files
Under "Build Jukebox Menu" -> "Profile" Choose ThumbGen Sample 1
- Populate the following with the files generated from ThumbGen
- "Meta Data FileName" : the nfo file
- "Movies Info FileName": STD file
- "Small Poster FileName": Thumbnail
- "MovieSheet Filename" : Sheet file
- "Custom Filename" : Wall file
- Click Save
Under "MenuView"
- go through each of the Categories Type and replace all instances of Template "yamj" with "RSS"
- depending on which wall template you chose, select 1x15.template or 1x15_2.template for "MovieWallView" under categories type "All"
- Click Build Menu
PBO IMS Jukebox Instructions
Add this new jukebox path to your PBO:
- Do this by downloading "putty" and open
- Telnet to your PBO (fill in ip address and select telnet)
- Login is "root"
- type "mount -o remount,rw /" to remount everything as writable.
- use the ls command to list the current directories and the cd command to navigate
- use the "vi" command to edit Movie_Jukebox.rss ("vi /usr/local/bin/scripts/Movie_Jukebox/Movie_Jukebox.rss")
- google "vi commands" for help. Helpful commands: press i to start editing. ESC to stop editing. ":x" to save and exit. ":q!" to exit without saving.
And there you go, select Mediajukebox under IMS on your PBO and all should be good.